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Daniela del Pomar





I am a freelance filmmaker and visual-artist born in Madrid in 1991. After finishing my Media Technology Studies in Spain I came to Berlin in 2012 to study Documentary direction at FilmArche, a self-organized film school that open the doors to my professional and creative career in the independent film and theater scene of Berlin. In  my  work I  explore  different disciplines and media platforms  bringing different formats together. In 2018 I co-founded the production company quietcityfilms. 



Paul holdsworth



color grader


I am a freelance cinematographer and colour grader living in Berlin since  2012. I completed film studies in Spain and studied documentary direction at FilmArche Berlin. I focus my work in bringing a documentary approach to fiction and creating a cinematic experience within documentary. In 2018 I co-founded the production company quietcityfilms. 



NIls plambeck (sound recordist and sound editor)


After finishing his studies in Berlin and New York, Nils Plambeck focused on his main artistic interest – sound for motion pictures. Besides his work as a freelance location sound recordist for documentaries, fiction, commercials, and live performances, he also works as a sound designer and editor. Seeing the various fields of work with sound as closely interrelated, he also composes his own music and engages in creating video and sound installations. 




Jens Kraushaar (Concept development and production)


Jens started his collaboration with Quiet City Films while still studying documentary filmmaking at FilmArche Berlin. He is an art historian and during his time at the Stadtmuseum Berlin, he was able to realize several video productions together with Quiet City Films.  He is currently  engaged on his  doctorate and directs film projects on queer issues, such as his first feature documentary about gay fear.


svea immel (cinematography)


I work as a cine­ma­to­graph­er in many free and com­mer­cial film pro­jects. The col­lab­or­a­tion with people is im­port­ant to me. Since 2015, I have been act­ive in the or­bit of film­Arche, a self-or­gan­ized film school in Ber­lin. I am also part of the fem­in­ist film col­lect­ive TINT. A con­stant in my work are the top­ics of sexu­al­ity, in­ter­per­son­al re­la­tion­ships, and queer fem­in­ism.

Gernot wöltjen (doktales)


doktales ist ein Team aus Freiberuflern rund um Gernot Wöltjen. Unter dem Namen doktales produziere ich seit 2008 Videos für Kunden aus dem Bereich Sozialpolitik, Partizpation, Bildung und Theater. Spannende Inhalte, visuelle hochwertige Umsetzung und gute Anliegen sind mir dabei wichtig. Ob Social Media-Videos, Erklärvideos, Theatertrailer oder Tagungsdokus: Ich realisiere die Projekte mit einem eingespielten Netzwerk aus Medienprofis, die kolloborativ und auf Augenhöhe zusammenarbeiten.


Aline Bovin

(EditoR and sound recordist)



Aline edits films and videos with a heart for documentary and experimental projects. She also works as a sound recordist for documentary projects. With a a special interest for topics around representation, memory culture, queer feminism, and archives. She gives film workshops for adults and young people and works between Berlin, Burkina Faso and Switzerland. Diverse contexts, collective structures and experimentation play an important role for her.


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